Hey, this is me!

Hi, I'm Angela de Kok, founder of AFlavours. Thank you for visiting this website!

AFlavours originated as a hobby and initially mainly out of personal needs. In this case, simply a shortage of nice cords for your phone. I was completely tired of the simple strings and suddenly saw them everywhere; in the schoolyard, while shopping and on holidays. My thoughts; this can and must be done differently!

Entrepreneurship is no stranger to me and I have a broad background in B2B fashion.

I now belong to the 40+ category and I can count myself lucky that I can only focus on things that I like and that give me energy. AFlavours is a big part of this. I am also married and the proud mother of two daughters. Furthermore, I try to keep my 40+ body flexible and fit by exercising a lot and being busy with health.

Happy customers make me happy!

Hope to create a small world of them :-)